Saturday, October 9, 2010

Reading notes for 10/15/2010 & 10/16/2010

1)      Local Area Network:

This article describes the type of connection that many libraries have.  It is important to learn about how Local Area Networks such as WiFi works. However, in some countries where the communications are not very developed, users are not able to benefit from such communication technology. 

2)      Computer network

This article mentions the use of an Intranet.  I was not aware of the many variables which construct the Intranet; such as internet protocols and IP based tools.  This resource is vital not so much to the general public, but more for librarians in order to convey communications of information and how it happens. 
3)      Common types of computer networks

The author outlines a new trend that local area connections are becoming more popular than wide area connections.  I thought this would be quite the contrary.  Perhaps local area connections are more powerful and speedy.  The author mentions Ethernet as the main factor in this trend. 

4)      Coyle, K. (2005). Management of RFID in libraries. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(5), 486-489.
The author suggests that libraries will be forced via the market to utilize RFID.  However, I think that RFID could be financially difficult to sustain with limited funding available for libraries. On the other hand, I learned from a conference that in Singapore, a country with transitional economy, all libraries are using RFID which has a lot of very efficient features that enable libraries to do all types of collection management activities such as inventory, self-circulation and shelving fairly easily with minimum human intervention, thus reducing the human resources costs. So, I think the market will increase, as the author mentions, over time. 

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